We are two brothers from Saint Louis, Missouri learning to make video games.
@natelee designed the overworld art & music and sound effects
@leecommamichael wrote the code and made the battle sprites and animations

You can chat with the townkeep, buy items, and battle monsters in tall grass. Your monsters gain XP for winning battles, and can level up to get stronger. We really enjoyed the technical limitations of this jam, and were faithful to hardware constraints in both graphics and audio. Please have a look around and explore our little virtual world! Thank you, and I hope you all learned as much as we did this jam.

Quirks: The game takes a checkpoint before you enter a fight, and will revert there if you lose., but there's no transition so it may be jarring. Combat ends abruptly, but you do gain XP for winning battles.

Published 5 days ago
Authorsleecommamichael, natelee

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